Friday, May 29, 2009

Dealing with your Adult Child's Struggles

Dealing with your Adult Child's Struggles
by Stephen Bly
When your adult child can't seem to get his act together and take responsibility for his life, some common reactions surface. This article helps you how to deal with them.

Coffee Can Wait

Coffee Can Wait
This is a great article about expectations regarding a daughter in law... very poignant.

Check this website...

I’m including a great website that deals with parenting adult children. Hope you find it helpful. Laura
“You’ve spent your life teaching, training and protecting your child; now it’s time to ‘give him wings.’ For many parents, the shift from being the primary influence in a child’s life to releasing him to adulthood isn’t easy. Hopefully you’ve been preparing him for independence from the start. Now that he’s on his own — finding his niche, building a career, marrying, becoming a parent — you’re no longer his authority, but friend. By setting healthy boundaries, you can enjoy this new role, while offering the love, guidance and insight only a parent can provide." (just click on the title)

Letting go of adult children video

Letting go of adult children
Letting go of adult children

There will be a short commercial and then the segment. Very interesting. Our generation is often referred to as "hovering parents," and it seems to be true.