Monday, April 20, 2009


I've always loved being a mom. Having family night on Thursday nights when we ordered pizza and sat on the living room floor to eat it - picnic style- and then played age appropriate games. We began with Candy Land, Shoots and Ladders, Uno, Dominoes, Sorry, Canadian Golf, Count Down, Clue, Mexican Train, Taboo.... We also watched half hour comedies - from the Costy Show to Full House to Everybody Loves Raymond and then, as the girls aged, graduated to West Wing....

We also loved the "dates" we had with the girls. Each month (ok, so it wasn't every single month), we each took a girl on a date. Quality, individual time. The rule was that nothing was purchased except for a snack. Jeff would walk hand in hand with them, pull the chair prior to them sitting.... the goal was for them not to be "touch needy" and have high and healthy expectation on how they can (and should) be treated. Time with Mom also involved holding hands (which we do to this day even as adults), window shopping, and having a freshly squeezed juice somewhere.

Now they are grown and gone. Healthy, strong young women.

Our older daughter is now married and creating memories of her own. Our younger daugther is a freshman in college and is already thinking of graduate studies.

We are trying to understand how we relate to them. We are in-laws now. I'll be sharing more about that too.

Anyway.... welcome... I hope you enjoy it and journey along with us.

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